
Shortened / different version of
About Us

Shortened / different version of
About Us

About Us

Innovation, product quality and distribution efficiencies are at the heart of
Overa. Our company is made up of passionate, creative thinkers who are
continuously looking to improve every aspect of the manufacturing process
practice whether by developing new products or customizing services for
customers while maintaining an efficient supply chain. While our primary focus
is currently on domestic markets and liquid eggs, our team of experts looks
forward to expanding operations to external countries and to further product
types as we scale our manufacturing operations.




About Us

Innovation, product quality and distribution efficiencies are at the heart of
Overa. Our company is made up of passionate, creative thinkers who are
continuously looking to improve every aspect of the manufacturing process
practice whether by developing new products or customizing services for
customers while maintaining an efficient supply chain. While our primary focus
is currently on domestic markets and liquid eggs, our team of experts looks
forward to expanding operations to external countries and to further product
types as we scale our manufacturing operations.





Have Questions?
Get in Touch!

Buraydah, Qassim Street
P.O.Box : 23201
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Phone: + 966 6 3266867
Fax: + 966 6 3690545
Mon – Fri: 9AM – 5PM
Sat – Sun: Closed

Contact Form

Contact Form